About UniteUSA

At UniteUSA, we stand by facts over opinion. In the divisive political atmosphere of this day and age, opinions are often mistaken for facts about issues. This leads to fake news going viral and fictional stories being spread like gossip, which harms our integrity as a nation. UniteUSA provides factual, evidence-based information on trending political issues, with the goal of uniting Americans over fact rather than opinion. As a subscriber, you can search for issues impacting any state, with access to every state representative at your fingertips.

Our Mission

UniteUSA is committed to providing unbiased facts and accurate information on divisive issues trending in our nation. This mission will be accomplished through providing accessible and factual resources that have been vetted for legitimacy and objectivity.

Our Vision

UniteUSA aims to become the premier resource for non-partisan information on divisive issues at both national and state levels, with an ultimate goal of uniting Americans over unbiased, accurate facts.